Camp Kaleidoscope 2023

Fusion dance residential 5 March to 10 March 2023

Camp Kaleidoscope 2023

We're hiring out an actual castle just a stone's throw from Bristol

So you want to spend a week dancing in a castle, surrounded by friends old and new, with good food, log fires and time to really dive into levelling up your dancefloor skills? You're in luck!

Camp Kaleidoscope is all that and then some.

Learn from the best

The amazing Flouer Evelyn is going to take us on a journey through our dancing to help us explore and develop together. We'll also have gentle morning movement classes, evening practicas, social dances and non-dance evening activities for when it's time to just cwtch up and hang out on the sofas.

It's gonna be WHOLESOME y'all.

Camp Kaleidoscope is all-in, meaning we're also providing accommodation and mountains of delicious food, masterminded by your favourite local kitchen heroes. And as always, we're conscious of making our events as financially accessible as possible, so look out for sliding scale options at registration.

Camp Kaleidoscope is now SOLD OUT for this year, but if you want to join us next time then get on the mailing list. We'll only write to you about the events you say you're interested in. 

Mailing list


We're focusing on the classes and daytime stuff at Camp, with relaxed social dancing and a couple of parties scattered through the week and plenty of time to unwind. If all that isn't enough dancing for you, never fear! We're planning a weekend full of big late-night parties to put your new skills to good use immediately after - 10th to 12th March, so watch this space!

Kaleidoscope XXL

Dance has no gender

In fusion we...

...don't assume what role you take in the dance; whether you lead, follow or switch is up to you and your partner

...welcome everyone, embracing queerness and all types of bodies

...feel free to ask anyone to dance, and are okay hearing and saying no sometimes

...check-in with our partner about what kind of dance they would like, including whether they feel happy with close embrace or being dipped

Our events & news

Microscope 2024

LEVEL UP day with Ren Enby

SOLO DAY with Frankie Porter

Kaleidoscope Fusion dance night - April

Kaleidoscope XXL 2024 - Fusion weekender

Camp Kaleidoscope 2024 - Fusion residential

Kaleidoscope Fusion dance party - February

Kaleidoscope Fusion dance party - November

Microscope 2023

Kaleidoscope Fusion with Sian Kathryn

Kaleidoscope Fusion with Hazel Crimmins

Kaleidoscope Fusion with Sam Dobbie
